Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring....

For the second day in a row, we are having thunderstorms. It's 11:30 am but right now, it looks like it's 8:00 pm. That's how dark the skies are right now. the tonado sirens went off last night but the tornado was no where near me and wasn't heading in my direction so I stayed here.

My BFF, Robin came over last night and we worked until 12:30 am making things for a tea party she is hosting for the women in her family. We got everything done! It all turned out so pretty.

Today, I am working on some 6 x 6 recipe cards that I MUST get done and mailed by Monday. I think I'm done with swaps for a while. I have too many other things that I want to work on.

Ok, I am getting off of here. the thunder is getting really loud and I have to shut this computer down until the storm passes.

1 comment:

Lal said...

Oh, geez Daph! That storm sounds scary! I could never get used to hearing torando sirens! I am terrified of storms! Stay safe!! :)